Dave Drinks Beer

I review the beers I drink

Saranac – Tropical Storm IPA


Moderately hazy with thin head retention, smells like an explosion of tropical fruit: pineapple, mango, papaya, a little grapefruit; it’s all there. The taste is semi-sweet with a juicy fruitiness permeating a crisp, bready malt profile and a full body. The finish is long and moderately bitter with notes of citrus, tropical and faint pine hops. Overall, this is probably the most pronounced “tropical IPA” I’ve had, the aroma is super intense, and the flavors chosen perfectly compliment each other; a very good beer.

Check in on Untappd
Malts:Pale Malt, Wheat Malt, Oats
Hops:Centennial, Citra, Columbus

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